Best Tests
We specialize in providing access to approved and evidence-based
tests tailored to the individual.
Providing International Quality
Based on our international track record, you will be receiving the highest quality tests and service.
Providing a
“One-Stop Shop”
Our proficiency in diverse testing platforms generates maximal information, and efficiency in cost, time, and biosample use.
Full Service
Beyond just lab reports, We provide the full service during the entire journey of advanced lab testing.
The Journey for Advanced Clinical Lab Testing
Choosing the best tests
Getting the best samples to the lab
Genetic counselling
(if required)
Laboratory analysis
(accuracy, speed, quality assurance)
Report interpretation and support
Our Tests
Family Planning
Clinical Genetics/Genomics Panels
Cancer Risk Priority Panel (27 genes)
Cancer Risk Standard Panel (72 genes)
Cardiology Risk Panel (92 genes)
Clinical Exome (20,000+ genes)
Non-invasive Prenatal Tests
NIPT Priority Panel (Trisomy 21, 18, 13 + Aneuploides)
NIPT Extended Panel (Priority + 8 Microdeletions)
Health Screening (Future)
Pap Smear (Cytopathology)
Health Condition
Clinical Genetics/Genomics Panels (see above)
Other Conditions (Future Tests)
Haemoncology Panels
BCR-ABL Fusion
Lymphoid Panel (32 genes)
Myeloid Panel (25 genes)
Haemoncology Panel (72 genes)
Solid Tumour Panels
Breast Tumour Panel (ER, PR, HER2)
Colon Tumour Panel (KRAS, NRAS, BRAF, MSI)
Gastric Tumour Panel (KRAS, NRAS, MSI, HER2)
Lung Tumour Panel (EGFR, ALK, PD-L1)
Tumour NGS Focus Panel (19 genes)
Tumour NGS Priority Panel (52 genes)
Tumour NGS Plus Panel (161 genes)
Tumour NGS Extended Panel (523 genes)
Tumour Protein
Tumour HER-2 IHC
Tumour ALK IHC
Tumour PD-L1 IHC
Tumour MMR Panel (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2)
Tumour DNA/RNA
Tumour EGFR Mutation (Exons 18-21)
Tumour KRAS Mutation (Exons 2-4)
Tumour NRAS Mutation (Exons 2-4)
Tumour BRAF Mutation (Exons 11, 15)
Tumour PIK3CA Mutation (Exons 9, 20)
Tumour Microsatellite Instability (MSI)
Tumour RAS Panel (KRAS, NRAS, BRAF)
Tumour BRCA Panel (BRCA1, BRCA2)
Tumour BRCA+ Panel (Tumour 11 + Blood 34 genes)
Oncology Recurrence
Liquid Biopsy Panels
Liquid Biopsy EGFR (T790M, C797S + Activating mutations)
Liquid Biopsy PIK3CA (E545K, H1047L, H1047R, E542K)
Liquid Biopsy Pan-Tumour Priority Panel (30 genes)
Liquid Biopsy Pan-Tumour Standard Panel (77 genes)